There are loan types to cover every need. Conventional or jumbo home loans can help you move into the house of your dreams. Special loans designed for purchasing special kinds of properties, such as condominiums or investments, deliver terms that suit the situation. Niche borrowing situations are also covered by parts of our generous and expansive line of loans, such as using a "piggyback" home equity line of credit to increase your buying power for high-value properties.
The following are the loan categories we offer, describing the situations in which each type of loan is ideal. Whatever your needs as a borrower or objective, there's likely a loan in there for you.
Traditional loans
Conventional loans, whether on fixed or adjustable rates, are one option for borrowers interested in buying or refinancing homes. With loans available at loan-to-value ratios up to 97 percent (as opposed to the common 95 percent), this could be the option you're looking for. There are specialized programs within the umbrella of conventional loans - Home Possible and Home Possible Advantage are Freddie Mac programs aimed specifically at millennials, low-to-moderate income buyers and people purchasing their first homes. Federal Housing Authority backed loans differ from one lender to another, so you can seek out FHA Loans and Streamlines that suit your circumstances. If you've served in the military VA Loans and IRRRLs may offer you unique value.
Jumbo loans
When it's time for a high-value house purchase, you may need a Jumbo loan. We can help, in more ways than one. The Dream Big Jumbo loan has expanded guidelines beyond a standard loan to make larger financing available to a wider selection of borrowers. The High Balance Extra is specifically for borrowers looking for funds in excess of maximum conforming loan limits. There's a full Jumbo series to inspect and choose from.
Niche and specialized loans
Loans designed for specific circumstances can deliver the best results in a pinch. For example, a piggyback HELOC is the right choice for borrowers who want to avoid mortgage insurance or improve their buying power on a high-value property. There is a whole range of custom loans available. Compare your situation and circumstances to the array of loans on offer, and you're likely to find one that offers terms that suit you. Getting exactly what you need is possible.
See full breadth of loans we offer on our Loan Options page.