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Back to School Tips: Creating the Perfect Homework Station

Read Time: 2 Minutes July 24, 2024

The new school year is almost here, and before you know it, your kids’ backpacks will be weighed down with homework and school projects to complete in the evenings. So before the homework starts piling up, why not take a little time to create a homework station for your kids? 

At Newrez, we’re not just mortgage experts—many of us are parents too. We get that homework time can set off a lot of stress for everyone involved. That’s why we’ve put together this step-by-step guide so you can give your kids a place to focus and thrive within your busy home.

1.        Choose the right location.

Don’t repeat another school year of pencils and homework papers scattered across the kitchen table at dinnertime. Find a space in your home that can be dedicated solely to homework—somewhere with good lighting and minimal distractions, not facing a television or other visual clutter. This might be a nook in your living room or even a desk in the child’s bedroom if they prefer working independently.

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Make sure there’s enough space for your child to spread out their books and binders. If the lighting in that spot is dim, set up a lamp or overhead light. The chair and desk surface should fit your child comfortably. If your child uses and iPad or laptop for school, be sure an outlet is easily accessible.

2.      Organize school supplies.

Turn your child’s workspace into a productivity zone by stocking it with pencils, erasers, paper, markers, rulers, highlighters, glue sticks and whatever else your student typically needs to complete their work. Make supplies easy for your child to find with these organizational tools you can get at any big-box store or online:

·         Wall Bins or Shelf Cubbies: Store binders, folders, and papers neatly.

·         Drawer Organizers: Use plastic desk organizers for pencils and other supplies.

·         Labeling: Designate areas for supplies using a label maker.

·         Backpack Hook: Install a hook nearby for easy access to their backpack.

·         Bulletin or White Board: Keep track of projects and assignment due dates.

Bonus idea: Creating a visual homework reward system such as using stickers, and a completed assignment calendar could be a fun motivation tool for your grade school student.

3.      Personalize the space.

It’s important that your child feels like the workstation is truly theirs. Decorate with their favorite colors and let them choose motivational or educational posters from a teaching supply store. Create a name plate for them like the one at their desk at school.

Think about what helps your child relax and focus. If they benefit from listening to calming music while working, keep a Bluetooth speaker nearby. Studies have shown that being surrounded by plants boosts focus in children,1 so consider incorporating greenery to their study area.

4.      Establish a healthy routine for young learners.

Creating a routine is essential for effective homework time. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Consistent Schedule: Start homework at the same time each day.
  • Timer: Use a timer if necessary to keep on track and to finish homework on time.
  • Rewards: Reward completed homework with playtime or a favorite activity.

Other major factors in school performance include eating a healthy and balanced diet2 and getting enough sleep,3 so coordinating mealtime and bedtime routines is crucial to your child’s schoolwork readiness.

Final Thoughts

Your family is constantly on the go, and simplifying one task can make the rest of the day easier. Creating a designated workspace for your child could contribute to a more peaceful and happier household.

If you’re considering moving your family into a bigger home or budgeting for some much-needed home renovations, remember that Newrez is here to help you find loan solutions that fit your needs. Reach out for more information.


1 Source: The Power of Plants to Help Children Focus | Psychology Today

2 Source: The Effects of Nutritional Interventions on the Cognitive Development of Preschool-Age Children: A Systematic Review - PMC (

3 Source: Sleep: Essential for children - Mayo Clinic Health System

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